Add This to Your Website for an Instant SEO Boost

I added this to my website and I increased my time on site by 120%. The longer people stay on your website it tells Google that people like your website, they find it valuable and that Google should consider ranking it higher. This one thing also increased my backlink count by 24,453 referring domain names. That’s a lot of backlinks. The more links you have the higher you will rank over time. And best of all I added 240,392 visitors from Google, a month just from one simple keyword. And keep in mind that’s through SEO, not paid advertising that’s SEO which means I didn’t pay for that traffic.


And here’s a cool thing. You can do the same exact thing on your website just like I did. And can you guess how I did it? I added a free tool to my website. It’s called Ubersuggest. And if you think about Ubersuggest if you haven’t checked it out, go to or or to the same URL. And when you put in your website or a keyword it gives you all this SEO data such as how popular a keyword is or how much it costs per click or how much traffic a website’s getting or who’s linking to it.

Now with this tool, a lot of people charge $100 a month for a lot of the features that I give away for free. Sure there’s paid plans on Ubersuggest but the majority of the features are for free. Now do you get the value here? Most people charge $100 a month, I charge zero for most of the features.

It doesn’t matter if my product is better or worse than theirs. And I’m not saying it is better or worse, but when people look at it they say, 100$ or zero. Zero creates a lot of traffic and backlinks cause a lot of people, majority of the people don’t want to pay money. So how do you generate similar results? Especially if you don’t have a budget like me to hire developers and designers and product people.

Well there’s this site called CodeCanyon. Check it out, CodeCanyon has tools on everything. Real estate, there’s tools for that. Car industry, there’s tools for that. Storage industry, there’s tools for that as well. There’s tools for literally every industry.

Heck, if you’re competing with me in the SEO industry or digital market industry, there’s tones of tools for that on CodeCanyon. And they’ll sell you these tools anywhere from usually $10 to $50. And what you do is you download the tool, it’s white label, you add your own logo to it. You upload it to your server. It’s on your website now. And over time whether you promote the tool hard or not or just link to it a few times on social media and linked in your navigation, over time what you’ll find is, the tool will be one of the most popular pages on your site .

It’ll naturally get back links. It’ll naturally get social shares and It’ll do well. And when that tool gets all that authority remember that tool’s on your site, your domain. So it’s actually boosting the overall authority for the whole site. So that means if you have this blog article on dog food or SEO or marketing or dentist, it makes your whole site rank higher. That’s the trick. That’s what you need to do.

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Title Tag Optimization – How to Create SEO Friendly Title Tags | SEO Tutorial

In this video, learn Title Tag Optimization – How to Create SEO Friendly Title Tags | SEO Tutorial. Find all the videos of the SEO Full Course 2022 in this playlist:

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10 Title Tag Tweaks That'll Boost Your SEO Traffic

Wouldn’t it be great if you can just make small tweaks to your websites and increase your SEO traffic. Well, there are small tweaks that you can make that have a big impact. Today I’m going to break down 10 title tag tweaks that will boost your SEO traffic.



There’s something that you need to know about SEO. It’s all about marginal gains. One thing isn’t going to get you that silver bullet or give you that sort of bullet so you can just beat all your competitors. It’s a lot of little things that really add up.

And title tags are one of those little things that really adds up, and I’m going to show you how to tweak them to get the most amount of traffic. And then I’m going to show you 10 tweaks that you can make with your title tag to really boost your SEO traffic.

Google’s using user metrics. It’s not just about how many backlinks you have or how good your site code is. If your copy is more appealing people are going to click read through and then go to your website.

So how do you get more clicks at scale? Because you may not have the Twitter following that I do or some of the other people do, but there still must be ways. And I’m actually going to break down 10 ways you can get more clicks through your title tags and modify them without having big Twitter followers, and telling people, hey, go click on my results.

This formula that I’m going to give you is a longterm solution to get those clicks. So that way you can rank higher without building more links or optimizing your code. So let me break down 10 hacks for you.

The first title change that you can make is start making your title tags questions.

Now I wouldn’t recommend doing 15 word title tags because that’s not enough room to put in keywords. But you can do 30, 40 characters. Once you start going 50, 60 characters we actually see less click through rate even though you can put in more keywords.

We also see a 45% increase in click through rate when they exact query is in the URL.

Power words are like effortless, simple, gorgeous, anything that just describes what you’re trying to get across. And the more power words that you use or adjectives, the better off you’re going to be.

You also can see a 17.3% higher click-through rate for titles that contained emotions versus ones that did not contain emotions. So the more emotion that you can convey the better off you’re going to do.

And here’s one of my favorite ones, a 5.8% higher CTR. If you have a meta-description. This is one of my favorite ones because it’s super simple. A lot of people don’t add meta descriptions to their page. Believe it or not, I know that sounds crazy but it’s true.

And titles with years tend to generate a 4.9% higher click through rate. For example if I have an article that is how to start a blog. If I put how to start a blog in 2025, assuming the years 2025, then it can generate more clicks versus if the year’s not there.

And evoking curiosity can increase your click through rate by roughly 5.9%.

Titles that resemble education have 10.4% more clicks. Although that’s probably not that educational or like how to rank number one on Google. How to install a toilet. Those are all examples of educational, informational articles.

And my last tip for you is look at the people who are running ads and look at their copy. Because those people have to optimize for quality score.

Google wants them to have high clicks because Google makes money on a cost per click. So if their titles suck, they don’t get tons of clicks which doesn’t make Google as much money.

So learn from them because that ad copy can help you generate better titles. And once you make these changes you have to give it roughly 30 days before you really start seeing results. So you have to be patient.

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