Add This to Your Website for an Instant SEO Boost

I added this to my website and I increased my time on site by 120%. The longer people stay on your website it tells Google that people like your website, they find it valuable and that Google should consider ranking it higher. This one thing also increased my backlink count by 24,453 referring domain names. That’s a lot of backlinks. The more links you have the higher you will rank over time. And best of all I added 240,392 visitors from Google, a month just from one simple keyword. And keep in mind that’s through SEO, not paid advertising that’s SEO which means I didn’t pay for that traffic.


And here’s a cool thing. You can do the same exact thing on your website just like I did. And can you guess how I did it? I added a free tool to my website. It’s called Ubersuggest. And if you think about Ubersuggest if you haven’t checked it out, go to or or to the same URL. And when you put in your website or a keyword it gives you all this SEO data such as how popular a keyword is or how much it costs per click or how much traffic a website’s getting or who’s linking to it.

Now with this tool, a lot of people charge $100 a month for a lot of the features that I give away for free. Sure there’s paid plans on Ubersuggest but the majority of the features are for free. Now do you get the value here? Most people charge $100 a month, I charge zero for most of the features.

It doesn’t matter if my product is better or worse than theirs. And I’m not saying it is better or worse, but when people look at it they say, 100$ or zero. Zero creates a lot of traffic and backlinks cause a lot of people, majority of the people don’t want to pay money. So how do you generate similar results? Especially if you don’t have a budget like me to hire developers and designers and product people.

Well there’s this site called CodeCanyon. Check it out, CodeCanyon has tools on everything. Real estate, there’s tools for that. Car industry, there’s tools for that. Storage industry, there’s tools for that as well. There’s tools for literally every industry.

Heck, if you’re competing with me in the SEO industry or digital market industry, there’s tones of tools for that on CodeCanyon. And they’ll sell you these tools anywhere from usually $10 to $50. And what you do is you download the tool, it’s white label, you add your own logo to it. You upload it to your server. It’s on your website now. And over time whether you promote the tool hard or not or just link to it a few times on social media and linked in your navigation, over time what you’ll find is, the tool will be one of the most popular pages on your site .

It’ll naturally get back links. It’ll naturally get social shares and It’ll do well. And when that tool gets all that authority remember that tool’s on your site, your domain. So it’s actually boosting the overall authority for the whole site. So that means if you have this blog article on dog food or SEO or marketing or dentist, it makes your whole site rank higher. That’s the trick. That’s what you need to do.

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7 Tips to Work 10x Faster in SEO: More Traffic Spending Less Time

Your competition isn’t just doing SEO, they have a team helping them out. So how do you compete with them when you don’t have a team? Well, don’t worry, I’m going to help you out here. Today I’m going to break down seven tips to work 10x faster in SEO, drive more traffic and spend less time doing so.



On a side note, funny enough as I’m recording this video, someone tells me I do a lot of hand gestures, I didn’t know that until now. So if you think I do a lot of hand gestures, leave a comment below telling me if you think I do a lot of hand gestures, and hopefully I’ll try to tone it down a little bit. So, let’s first get started, and let’s start off with technical SEO.

Tip one, only do a few hours per month, or a few hours per week if your website’s big.

Tip two, focus on site speed, this is something that can make or break your SEO performance. Think about it, there’s 5G, people like me are a little bit too frugal, so I won’t pay for 5G. My phone is still on 4G, or LTE, or whatever it’s called, but there’s a lot of people even if you’re on 5G, you’re in an area that doesn’t get 5G reception.

So tip three, and this is the first one for content creation. I want you to create content around areas that you’re already getting some results in. If Google likes your site for certain topics and your business is related to those topics, do more of that versus going after other topics that are also related to your business that Google’s not giving you any traction on, right? One gets you results quicker, the other one not so much. And once you get the results by doing the first group, you can then eventually go up to the second group.

Now, let’s go after internal linking, and let’s go to the first tip of that which is tip four. The same thing with prioritizing my content applies here, you need to work on reinforcing keywords around topics that you’re already getting some traction on. You’ll look at your existing pages and look for parts of your content that you can go ahead and add internal links to, to other relevant pieces of content for.

If you go and put it in your URL to Ubersuggest, go and check out the Top Pages report. If you haven’t checked out the Top Pages report, make sure you go and do it now, it’s my favorite feature in Ubersuggest. It’ll tell you your top pages, so you’ll know which ones to interlink more to, and you would take the most popular pages and link them to the ones that aren’t as popular when it’s relevant to help juice them up.

The next category I want to discuss is competitive research, and this brings me to tip five. Try and find keywords that smaller websites are ranking for, especially when you don’t have a huge website with a high domain authority and lots of backlinks. Keywords that smaller websites rank for are typically easier for you to rank for as well. Use the Traffic Analyzer on Ubersuggest to see what those keywords are for your competitor so you know to go after them.

Now, I want you to also think about link building, which is the next section, and that brings me to tip six. Much like with competitive research, the best opportunities will be probably found by reverse engineering the competitors that aren’t too big.

Look, your big competitors, what they’re doing, doesn’t always work for you. What works for Wikipedia, isn’t going to work for me. If I want to start writing on elephants, no one’s really going to read into it. But, if you start focusing down on what’s working on the smaller websites, chances are it’ll work for you too.

And tip seven, look for backlink opportunities using the Backlink Opportunity report in Ubersuggest. See, if someone’s willing to link to not just one, not just two, but three plus of your competitors, the chances are they’re willing to link to you too.

So then, the Backlink Opportunity report shows you everyone who links to your competitors, that doesn’t link to you, you start reaching out to those sites and they’re more likely to link back out to you. Sure, you still got to email them, not everyone’s going to respond, but you’ll have a much higher success rate.

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